Friday, April 17, 2009

En route to Domestic Goddess Status

Maybe not, but we made passable Schiacciata yesterday. Doug's mum has declared that she could live just off it. We used a recipe found here and we kind of used it. I'm very much of the cooking school that believes that measuring spoons and strict obedience to the recipe is for cooking woosies. If I'm going to be in the kitchen, I'm going to relish havoc in and on it. Of course, I'm also not known for my cooking skills. This approach can work though. My stepdad's late SIL, a wonderful Irish lady called Peggy made the best cake.  Watching her make them it all seemed to be a handful of this, a cup of that and the results were utterly delectable. It made it easy to say yes when she insisted you have a drink and something to eat as soon as you came in the house.  I'm afraid our results do not compare to Peggy's fine creation.  Next time we'll add more oil, let rise longer, knead longer and cook less. Still, it was all gone within 1/2 hour and Ila had a grand time kneading the dough.  

Making Schiacciata
We also made a trip back to Giardino Bardini to check out the pergola.  We planned to go back once a week, but then we had Operation Potty interrupt one week, and then something else another week.  We made it back finally and though it wasn't as sunny a day as when I took this image, it was still spectacular especially now with the wisteria blooming.
Bardini Pergola
The next shot was a blurred mistake shot as I realized Ila had picked some of the buds and seemed to contemplate eating them. Did I mention all parts of wisteria are toxic. We spent a few hours watching for nausea. Blummin' kids, walking hearts on the outside of your body, all exposed and vunerable. 
She was fine.


  1. What a beautiful photo... thank goodness no tummy troubles ensued due to it. I am thoroughly enjoying your posts, keep them up!!

  2. Gorgeous gorgeous...We had wisteria in the house where I grew up. It is so dreamy, especially dripping across a pergola like that.
